
Open-Access Crystallographic Databases American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (AMCSD) Crystal structures of minerals (large) Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (BMCD) Crystallization procedures for biological macromolecules (medium) Crystallography Database Java application frontend crystal structure searches (from the COD) and display (in Jmol), large collection of data Crystal Morphology Database (CMD)Morphology of crystals (small) Database of Zeolite StructuresCrystal structures of zeolites (small) Electron […]

Crystallography Open Database

Crystallography Open Database [North American Mirror, modified search interface and JSmol/Jmol displays] Search and view Several crystallography databases are offered for browsing. You can search the databases, download and display the contained Crystallographic Information Files  (CIFs), view 3D models of the encoded crystal structures and morphologies. We also provide the North American mirror of the Crystallography Open Database (COD) […]