Nano Net

100 years of modern crystallography: Welcome to the Open Access Crystallography Resource Portal Crystallography Open Database: Contains more then 360,000 small molecules and small to medium unit cell crystal structures (including minerals but excluding biopolymers). Main sites (in France) and (in Lithuania). Less frequently updated mirrors (in France), (in Spain), and (in North America). Portland State University’s Nano-Crystallography Group: hosts small educational open […]


Open-Access Crystallographic Databases American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (AMCSD) Crystal structures of minerals (large) Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (BMCD) Crystallization procedures for biological macromolecules (medium) Crystallography Database Java application frontend crystal structure searches (from the COD) and display (in Jmol), large collection of data Crystal Morphology Database (CMD)Morphology of crystals (small) Database of Zeolite StructuresCrystal structures of zeolites (small) Electron […]